Gale eBooks


Learning Objectives
  • Find the eBook collections on the INFOhio website:
  • Understand actions needed to access eBooks and personalize your use of each collection. 
  • Identify eBook features that support accessibility.


Access Gale eBooks 

You can use eBooks from Gale on a computer, mobile phone, tablet, or other devices with internet access. You also can download and print them, share them via email and Google Classroom, and save them to Google Drive.

To find the eBook collections:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Grades K-5, Grades 6-8, or Grades 9-12 button.
  3. Find the Grades K-5 eBooks & Videos, Grades 6-8 eBooks & Videos, or the Grades 9-12 eBooks & Videos tile.
  4. Click the blue "i" or More Info on the preferred collection's tile.
  5. Read additional information about the eBooks.
  6. Click the Open button to open the resource.


Sharing Links to Licensed Resources

INFOhio's licensed digital content is password protected to ensure it is accessible for only Ohio teachers, parents, and students. It’s essential to use the correct link for the content to ensure seamless access. Learn how to share the eBook collection with students in this video.

Learn the Facts

Gale eBooks are appropriate for students in grades 4-12. The eBooks support Ohio's Learning Standards for various content areas. Teachers can use them simultaneously in classrooms and with large groups. 

The topics include:

  • STEM & Career
  • Holocaust and Genocide
  • Financial Literacy
  • Student Wellness
  • Spanish Fiction
Using the eBook Features

Once you have chosen a Gale eBook, click a chapter title to open it. 


When the chapter opens, the default display will be the text view. There are several helpful features to personalize the reading experience using this view. 


In the first menu, use these features:

  • Table of Contents: Return to the eBooks Table of Contents to view a different chapter.
  • Book View: Switch to a different presentation of the eBook (see below).
  • Cite: Get a citation for the book.
  • Send To: Send the chapter to Google Drive, OneDrive, or email.
  • Download: Download the chapter to your computer.
  • Print: Print the chapter.
  • Get Link: Copy a link to the chapter to share with others.
  • Highlights and Notes: Add highlights to key concepts and ideas and add comments.

The second menu helps with accessibility. From left to right, the icons:

  • Translate the chapter (Choose from almost 50 languages.). 
  • Decrease the text size.
  • Increase the text size.
  • Change the text colors and font. Add spaces between lines, words, and letters. 
  • Listen to the chapter being read aloud.

The third menu offers icons that repeat actions available in the first menu. From left to right they are:

  • Send the chapter to Google Drive
  • Send the chapter to OneDrive
  • Email the chapter
  • Download the chapter
  • Print the chapter

From this screen, readers can also move back to the previous chapter or foward to the next chapter. Be aware that if you are reading from the browser, the book will time out. In this case, you must click to continue the session or return to the INFOhio site and choose the book again from the Gale collection.

Users who want to read on their laptop, PC, or Chromebook will find these features very helpful. The Text View offers many options to make reading on the screen accessible and functional. Readers also can click the Book View option in the first menu, but this does not allow them to use the read-aloud, translate, or font and color menus. 


The Book View does provide some personalized reading features. Readers can use the page tool to:

  • Turn back or go forward a page
  • Go to a certain page
  • Zoom in or out
  • Fit the eBook to the width or height of the screen
  • Switch between a one-page or two-page view
  • Fit the book to the full screen
  • View highlights and notes done in the text view

Remember that to save any highlights or notes, readers must download the chapter or send it to email, Google Drive, or OneDrive. This is true whether they are using the Text View or Book View. kindlebrowser

If users prefer to read on a handheld device such as a smartphone or tablet, they can do so in Google Drive or OneDrive.



Another option is to send the chapter to an app such as Kindle.

  1. Open the eBook in the browser on your handheld device.
  2. Click Download.
  3. Use the AirDrop or the share icon at the top of the screen to send the eBook PDF to the app.
Browsing the Gale eBooks

Search by keyword within collections using the Search box in the upper left corner. 

Easily browse smaller collections to find the best title from the list available. These can be exported to a CSV, XLS, or KBART for further sorting. 

Readers can sign in with their Google accounts to share and save eBooks and any notes or highlights from individuals. 


Pause and Do

INFOhio has two half-hour Learn With INFOhio Webinars about using the Gale eBook collections. 

Or check out this Teach With INFOhio Blog post to learn more about using Gale eBooks:




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