INFOhio Privacy Policy

INFOhio Website Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Commitment

INFOhio places a high priority on the privacy of our visitors. This policy details the information INFOhio collects and how it is used. This policy applies to all INFOhio sites (* 

Types of Information that May be Collected

The following are the types of information we may collect:

  • Information You Provide Us. Personal information such as your user ID and password, name, email address, telephone number, position, school system/organization, or other information may be collected via the site. 

  • Site Usage Information. We may receive and store certain types of information whenever you visit the site. For example, we may collect click-stream data, your IP address, and your log file. 

  • Email Communications. When you open emails from INFOhio, we may receive a confirmation noting you opened an email from us if your computer supports such capabilities. We also may keep track of what emails we send you. Additionally, we keep a record of what emails you have opted to receive. 

  • Information from Other Sources. We may receive information about you from other sources and add it to our database.

How Information May be Collected

We may collect information from you in several different areas on the site, including but not limited to those described below: 

  • Newsletters and Site Emails. We offer free newsletters to share information with you about the site, about us, our resources, our services, or about our partners. You may receive additional information from us by registering for our newsletter. You may cancel your free email subscription by following the instructions provided on the site or, in some instances, in the designated area on certain newsletters or emails. 

  • Surveys. From time to time, we may request personally identifiable information from you via surveys. Participation is voluntary and you will have the opportunity to decide whether or not to disclose information. At times, you may have to register to take part in a survey. 

  • Log Files. All INFOhio sites collect standard access data typical for most websites. Log files do not contain any personally identifiable information. Log files include the time/date of each visit along with the file(s) requested and the IP address of the visitor. Log files may also include the referrer and exit pages for each visit.

  • Cookies and Sessions. INFOhio uses cookies to help improve the user experience. Cookies are used to store user preferences that customize the user experience on some INFOhio sites. Cookies may include the last school login, school colors, school logo, URL, and basic application settings. Cookies do not store any personally identifiable information.
    • By tracking how and when you use the site, cookies help us determine which areas are popular and which are not. Many improvements and updates to the site are based on data obtained from cookies. If you do not want information collected through the use of cookies, you generally can opt out of providing this information by turning the cookies off in your browser; however, some areas of the site may not provide you with an exceptional user experience if you have disabled the use of cookies.
  • IP Addresses and Click-stream Data. In cooperation with regional ITCs (Information Technology Centers), INFOhio has collected Ohio school IP addresses that are used to determine which school the visitor may be coming from and to automatically provide access to INFOhio's resources without having to collect login information.
    • We collect IP addresses and/or click-stream data for purposes of ease of access, system administration, and to assemble aggregate information used for our internal operations. An IP address is a number automatically assigned to your computer whenever you access the Internet. Our computers identify your computer by its IP address. When you request web pages from the site, our computers log your IP address.
    • Click-stream data is information collected by our computers when you request web pages from the site. Click-stream data may include such information as the page served, the time, the source of the request, the type of browser making the request, the preceding page view and other such non-personal information. When analyzed, this data helps us examine how visitors arrive at the site, what type of content is most popular, what type of visitors in the aggregate are interested in particular kinds of content, and the like. 

How We Use the Information Collected

The information you provide may be used to:

  • Contact you about the site
  • Confirm or respond to a request you have made 
  • Monitor or improve the use of the site 
  • Customize the content you see
  • Monitor compliance with our terms and conditions of use of the site 
  • Send you promotional materials associated with the services provided by INFOhio

We do not disclose any personally identifiable information about you to anyone, except as identified above or as may be otherwise permitted by law. We restrict access to personally identifiable information to our employees who need to know the information in order to provide service to you as may be made available within the site. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards in compliance with federal law to safeguard personally identifiable information. For more information, read our Cookie Policy above.

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act

INFOhio supports the PreK-12 community. The safety and protection of children using INFOhio's sites is our highest priority. While INFOhio does everything possible to ensure the safety and privacy of children using INFOhio resources, INFOhio encourages parents/guardians to actively monitor their child's online activity.

INFOhio does not knowingly collect any personally identifiable information from children of any age. If you believe your child has provided this type of content on an INFOhio site, please contact us immediately so we can address the issue as quickly as possible.

Links to Third Party Privacy Policies

Many INFOhio sites provide access to additional instructional or educational licensed or purchased content through third-party providers. Since INFOhio cannot set the privacy policies for third-party providers, a list of each third-party provider and their privacy policy is provided below. Please consult these privacy policies if you have any questions concerning a specific provider:

INFOhio does not collect or disclose a user's online activity on our website, nor do we disclose or distribute such user activity on the website for marketing purposes. Since INFOhio does not engage in these activities, we do not react or respond to a "do not track" signal from a user's web browser or other mechanisms. 

No Guarantees

While this Policy states our standards for maintenance of Personal Information, and we will make efforts to meet them, we are not in a position to guarantee these standards. There may be factors beyond our control that may result in disclosure of Personal Information. As a consequence, we disclaim any warranties or representation relating to maintenance or nondisclosure of any Personal Information collected from Website users or visitors. 


By using an INFOhio website, you agree to INFOhio's Terms and Conditions and consent to INFOhio's Privacy Policy.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions or comments regarding this privacy policy, please visit or contact us using the information below:

274 E 1st Ave #100
Columbus, Ohio 43201

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