About INFOhio

Structure & Governance

INFOhio is a division of the Management Council of the Ohio Education Computer Network (MCOECN). The MCOECN is governed by a Board of Trustees representing the Information Technology Centers (ITCs). The Board provides direction for a wide variety of software applications.

Input & Outreach

The INFOhio Advisory Board is a program board. It gives input to the organization's director on products and services to support student learning. The Board is composed of members representing school districts, education resource agencies, and ITCs.

The INFOhio Users Council provides input on products and services to support Ohio's school libraries. The Users Council is composed primarily of building-level library media specialists with representation from each of the ITCs.

ICoaches are staff in PreK-12 school districts and buildings who have completed the rigorous ICoach training program. Currently, more than 300 INFOhio ICoaches deliver training and professional development on INFOhio's resources and tools to their school staff.

IPartners are staff in Ohio education agencies—ESCs, ITCs, Ed Techs, universities, public or academic libraries, and more—who have completed the IPartner training program. Currently, more than 100 INFOhio IPartners deliver outreach and professional development on INFOhio's resources to their member schools, their patrons, or their students.

How We Deliver Services

INFOhio uses a shared services model to deliver our services.

Library Automation: Through the Ohio Education Computer Network (OECN) and its Information Technology Centers (ITCs), we deliver library automation to Ohio's PreK-12 schools. The ITCs contract with their member schools to provide automation licenses and Level 1 technical support, while at the same time working through the OECN as a whole to license the software, which saves school districts money over what they would pay individually for the same service. The INFOhio Technical Support Specialists provide Level 2 statewide support and professional development for library automation.

Digital Resources: With state and federal funds, we evaluate, curate, and procure digital resources that all Ohio PreK-12 students, their parents, and educators can freely use for teaching and learning. The selection of resources is guided by the Collection Development Guidelines, which are reviewed by the INFOhio Advisory Board every three years. The INFOhio Instructional Specialists provide Level 1 statewide support and professional development for the digital resources.

Need Help?
ISearch - Advanced Library & Resource Search
Fetch - Library Catalog Search

Fetch is avaiable to INFOhio automated schools. If you are an INFOhio school, please log in with your school username/password using the button at the top-left corner of this page.

For more information about Fetch, please visit the Fetch information page or contact INFOhio support at https://support.infohio.org.