INFOhio Campus

Welcome to the ICoach 101 Class

Learning Objectives
  • Assess your current level of knowledge about INFOhio and leading adult professional development.
  • Idenitfy the goals and requirements of the ICoach program.
  • Create an Open Space account and participate in the INFOhio Open Space group.
  • Reflect on your learning by sharing with others. 


To enhance your participation in the class:

  • Click links to access additional resources.
  • Click images to make them bigger.
Getting Started
  • Welcome to the ICoach 101 Class: Review the class objectives and outcomes for each lesson. 5 minutes
  • Learner Questionnaire: Take a survey to assess what you know and need to know about INFOhio and adult learning. 5 minutes
  • What is ICoach?: Watch a video to learn more about INFOhio's ICoach program. 10 minutes
 Connect and Collaborate with Open Space
  • Using Open Space Groups: Watch the Community and Collaboration with Open Space Groups webinar. Read the Open Space Groups for Users Guide. 35 minutes
  • Connect with ICoaches: Create an Open Space account or log in to your current account. Connect with other ICoaches by joining the INFOhio ICoach Open Space group. 10 minutes
Checking Your Learning 
  • Meeting ICoach Expectations: Identify the requirements necessary to renew your ICoach status each year. 5 minutes
  • Self-Assessments: Take part in a discussion about the Learning Questionnaire in the INFOhio ICoach Open Space group. 5 minutes
  • Final Quiz and Contact Hour Certificate: Take a quiz to earn a certificate for 1 contact hour. 5 minutes
ICoach Training Requirements Checklist

To help you complete all the rerquirements for this training, please use this training checklist. Click File and then Make a copy to edit the document as you complete each item. You will submit this document at the end of your training. 

Be sure to consult the ICoach Learning Pathway Syllabus which has a helpful checklist to support you in completing all requirements. 

Exercise files for this lesson

Use this document for an overview of your training and a guide to required reflections and feedback.
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