What are High-Quality Instructional Materials?

Learning Objectives
  • Cite evidence for the importance of high-quality instructional materials in education. 
  • Identify characteristics of high-quality digital instructional materials.
Why High Quality?

Many studies have evaluated the effect of high-quality instructional materials on student learning and achievement. As schools consider purchasing new materials for curriculum, one thing is clear: high-quality instruction and materials matter.

Below are the selected research findings published by EdReports.org. Research shows that having the right materials and student engagement with a teacher are the biggest influences on student learning.

  • Instructional materials affect not only student learning, but also the choices teachers make and the behaviors they engage in while teaching (Chingos and Whitehurst, 2012).
  • A top-ranked math program used in 4th and 5th grades increased student achievement gains by more than 3 percentiles (Kane, Owens, Marinell, Thal, and Staiger, 2016).
  • Student learning outcomes improved significantly when teachers use high-quality instructional materials (Jackson and Makarin. 2016-2017).

Access to quality materials is an ongoing issue in today's educational sphere.

  • Teachers know that quality instructional materials are essential for student success, but only 18% believe that the district-available materials align to standards (Zubrzycki, 2016).
  • Teachers spend 7-12 hours a week searching for online instructional materials. Many of these are unvetted (Goldberg, 2016). 
  • Schools with a higher proportion of students who qualify for free and reduced lunch have higher rates of teachers searching online for instructional materials (Opfer, Kaufman, and Thompson, 2016). 

The lack of quality instructional materials has an impact on student learning. This impact does not end once students graduate (TNTP, 2018).

  • Students living in poverty and students of color have less access to quality instructional materials. 
  • 40% of college students without access to high-quality instructional materials are enrolled in remedial classes.
  • When students behind grade-level receive grade-appropriate assignments and experience stronger instruction, deeper engagement, and higher expectations, their achievement gaps narrow.
What is the Definition of High-Quality?

While using the internet to find instructional materials has made the process faster and easier, it does not always result in high-quality. To offer high-quality instructional materials, school leaders and educators must share a definition of what that means. Many resources provide characteristics of high-quality instructional materials, and it is important to evaluate those materials. 

The State Educational Technology Directors Association's (SETDA) characteristics for high-quality print and digital instructional materials are similar to those identified by Discovery Education.

  • Content is aligned to standards that support college and career readiness and literacy development.
  • Accessibility is key and materials must be free of bias and meet the needs of diverse learners. 
  • The pedagogical design is research-based and features formative and summative assessments, logical organization, varying modes of instructional delivery, and appropriate scaffolding with technology incorporated where appropriate. 

The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce cites the following characteristics of high-quality instructional materials: 

  • Standards-aligned instructional content.
  • A coherent scope and sequence for grade-level lessons and unit plans.
  • Evidence-based instructional strategies and embedded formative assessments that support data-driven instruction.
  • Educative materials that provide implementation support for educators to ensure all students' learning needs are met. 

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In addition, the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce's Ohio Materials Matter initiative supports the belief that all students deserve to be engaged with high-quality instructional materials and instruction. For additional research on high-quality instructional materials be sure to check out the department's curated list of studies


Reflecting on Your Learning
  1. Choose the three research findings that you believe make high-quality instructional materials important for your students. What factors or experiences lead you to choose these three?
  2. Explore SETDA's Digital Instructional Materials Acquisition Policies for States website to learn how Ohio compares to other states in defining quality instructional materials. 
  3. Write your own definition of high-quality instructional materials using the links listed under What is the Definition of High-Quality? Answer this question in the High-Quality Instructional Materials for Each Child Open Space group. Look for the HQIM Definitions post in the Discussions tab. Reply to the thread and respond to other participants' answers. 
  4. Work with a colleague to create a list of the instructional materials you use in a specific unit or lesson. Use your definition of high-quality to rate these materials.  


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