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Welcome to CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World Editions


Learning Objectives

Use the following objectives to check your learning as you proceed through the class. 

  • Understand the importance of using digital text and other media to support the inquiry process. 
  • Find CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World editions on the INFOhio website:
  • Teach students how to locate information within CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World editions.
  • Identify strategies for using CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World editions in the classroom. 
  • Use the navigational features to locate the best content for students and instruction. 
  • Find the instructional supports within the resource.
  • Consider methods for sharing CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World editions with parents, families, and colleagues. 
  • Create a lesson plan to integrate CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World editions into classroom instruction.
  • Reflect on your learning by sharing information with others. 


In this class, you will work through several lessons to learn how to find INFOhio's subscription to CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World editions, how to use the resource, and how to integrate it when teaching the inquiry process.

To get the most from your experience:

  • Click links to see additional resources.
  • Download exercise files from the Exercise Files tab on the main page of the class or at the bottom of individual lessons.
  • Click to enlarge the images so you don't miss the details. 
Getting Started

Below is a description of each lesson and an estimate of the time it may take to complete each.

  • Pretest: Take a quiz to find out what you know or need to know about CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World editions. 5 minutes
  • Welcome to the CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World Editions Class: Review the course objectives and overview. 5 minutes
  • Using Open Space Groups: Join the Open Space group CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World Editions. In this group, reflect with like-minded educators on integrating this resource into the classroom. 5 minutes
How to Use CutureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World Editions
  • Getting to Know CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World Editions: Practice the steps to find the resources on Think about what you learned by answering questions. 5 minutes
  • Using CultureGrams: Kids and World Editions: Learn about the navigational tools and features. 5 minutes
  • Using CultureGrams: States and Provinces Editions: Learn about the navigational tools and features. 5 minutes. 
  • Using the Teacher Resources: Learn about the training resources and teacher activities to support CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World editions. 10 minutes
  • What Have You Learned So Far?: Take a short quiz to check your learning. 5 minutes
  • Applying What You Have Learned: Select from CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World editions. Complete an activity to practice using the selected edition. 10 minutes. 
Integrating CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World Editions Into Classroom Instruction
  • Teaching with CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World Editions: Learn how to build charts and graphs in CultureGrams: Kids and World editions. Read strategies for teaching research skills. Reflect on best practices by answering questions. 15 minutes
  • Creating Lessons Using CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World Editions: Review teaching activities for all CultureGrams editions. Create a teaching activity using a lesson plan template. 30 minutes
  • Sharing CultureGrams: Kids, States, Provinces, and World Editions with Caregivers and Colleagues: Ohio students can access all CultureGrams editions at school and home. Share an informational flyer with caregivers and colleagues to help them learn more about the content and features. 5 minutes
Checking Your Learning
  • Self-Assessments: Answer the following questions to reflect on what you learned. 10 minutes
  • Contact Hours Quiz and Certificate: Take a quiz to earn a certificate for 2 contact hours. 5 minutes 

If you need help while completing the course, contact us at


Exercise files for this lesson

The trainer guide provides an overview of the class including lessons, reflection opportunities, and optional face-to-face activities.
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