Chapters 11 and 12, Using Videos in the Classroom


purple recap
Chapter Recap
  • A green screen is when a video is filmed against an actual green background. The editor can digitally remove the background color and replace it with an image or video.
  • Create a green screen background by using green paper or green fabric.
  • Using a green screen in your classroom is a great way to bring early learners' imaginations to life.
  • YouTube is a great learning resource for early learners.
  • Using videos as a reference for learning often helps to break down technical content and provides clear visuals and illustrations.
  • Using videos in the classroom gives students a way to control their own learning pace with the ability to pause, rewind, and replay a video.


The author stresses the importance of using nonfiction or informational texts to grow students' background knowledge. Make sure you check out INFOhio’s informational text from BookFlix, Capstone, Highlights Library, and PebbleGo Next

INFOhio also has created text sets to support student learning and develop background knowledge. Check out the following grade K-3 examples and try creating your own using the INFOhio Text Sets: Teacher Guide and INFOhio Text Sets Template

After reading informational texts, students can create videos sharing what they have learned. Informational videos also can be useful when teaching students new topics or reviewing materials. 

INFOhio has many videos to support classroom topics. To find videos in Educator Tools, browse by Item Type, then Video. Also add a keyword search to further focus the results. For example, a teacher did a keyword search for habitat then limited the Item Type to Video. There are 23 videos about habitats. 


Pause and Do

The author mentions that sometimes YouTube is blocked in districts. Instead, try to find educational videos that you need in Educator Tools from INFOhio. Browse the collection of videos or try some keyword searches to see what you can find for use in the classroom. 



Reflecting on Your Learning

Answer the following question in the Professional Learning Book Study: Building Blocks for Tiny Techies Open Space group Discussions. Find the Chapter 12 reflection question in the Discussions tab. Reply to the thread and review other participants' responses.

  1. After searching Educator Tools, share the videos you have found to support learning in your classroom. 
  2. The author discusses having students share their created videos outside the classroom. How could you do this? 
  3. What are the benefits to using YouTube in the classroom, according to the author?
  4. What are the benefits of using videos, in general, in the classroom?



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