Teach With INFOhio

GO! Ask, Act, Achieve Educator Materials Now Available in Open Space

Written by // Mary Rowland Tuesday, 30 April 2024

To expand access to web-based materials for inquiry, creativity, reading, and research, INFOhio has moved the most popular, web-based materials for research and inquiry from GO! Ask, Act, Achieve to IWonder and Open Space. INFOhio retired the standalone GO! Ask, Act, Achieve website on August 1, 2024.

IWonder: Student Materials for Inquiry and Digital Reading

Written by // Mary Rowland Monday, 01 April 2024

IWonder, a tool powered by INFOhio, has added fresh, new content to spark student inquiry.

IWonder: Student Materials for Inquiry and Digital Reading

Inquiry and INFOhio: Locating Information

Written by // INFOhio Staff Thursday, 21 September 2023

Learn which INFOhio tools you can use to help students learn to locate the best information to answer their questions. This is the third in a series of several posts about the inquiry process and the Dimensions of Inquiry.

Inquiry and INFOhio: Evaluating Information

Written by // Mary Rowland Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Learning how to effectively evaluate information is not only an inquiry skill—it is a life skill. Whether evaluating an apartment lease contract, selecting the best post-secondary program and school, or deciding which candidate to vote for in an election, students today will need to evaluate messages, media, print, and visual text throughout their adult lives to make informed decisions. 

Inquiry and INFOhio: Evaluating Information

Spark Student Curiosity with New Content in IWonder

Wednesday, 31 August 2022

IWonder, a tool powered by INFOhio, has added fresh, new content to spark student inquiry.

Spark Student Curiosity with New Content in IWonder

Inquiry and INFOhio: Reflecting

Written by // Mary Rowland Friday, 17 May 2019

By reflecting on our teaching practice, we can become more intentional and plan to accommodate student reflection, perhaps the most vital part of the inquiry process. In doing so, we create a unique opportunity to grow alongside our students.

Inquiry and INFOhio: Reflecting

Inquiry and INFOhio: Sharing Information

Written by // Mary Rowland Friday, 05 April 2019

As students share information, they transform into educators and advocates. Research and inquiry have real-world implications, and when students share their work with an authentic audience, they begin to see the connection between the content learned in the classroom and the context of their community and world.

Inquiry and INFOhio: Sharing Information

Inquiry and INFOhio: Applying Information

Written by // Mary Rowland Thursday, 14 March 2019

Students apply critical thinking to understand how information relates to their essential questions. They must be able to reason, to weigh the value of what they have found, and to draw conclusions.

Inquiry and INFOhio: Applying Information

Inquiry and INFOhio: Questioning

Written by // INFOhio Staff Monday, 08 January 2018

Teaching students the skills and importance of asking good questions provides a solid foundation for learning. Learn which INFOhio tools you can use to help students learn to ask good questions. This is the second in a series of several posts about the inquiry process and the Dimensions of Inquiry.

Inquiry and INFOhio: Questioning

Inquiry and INFOhio

Written by // INFOhio Staff Wednesday, 15 November 2017

As you watch the webinar, Inquiry in the Social Studies Classroom and Beyond: Leading the Next-Generation Digital Citizens to Multiple Perspectives and Reliable Resources, we thought you might want a refresher on inquiry—what it is and how several INFOhio tools have used the Dimensions of Inquiry as their foundation. This is the first in a series of several posts about the inquiry process and the Dimensions of Inquiry.

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