Teach With INFOhio

Supporting and Empowering Students with Dyslexia: Tools for Reading Digital Text

Written by // Emily Fitch Thursday, 01 June 2023

Using digital tools for reading can alleviate some of the frustrations and exhaustion that come with students who need extra support with reading and students who have dyslexia.  Any minor adjustment that makes reading easier, more fun, or accessible is worth trying with students with dyslexia. Giving them a sense of choice and control also goes a long way toward improving their self-confidence as readers.

Supporting and Empowering Students with Dyslexia: Tools for Teachers

Written by // Emily Fitch Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Raising literacy achievement is no small task. As teachers know, every student is different with unique challenges and characteristics to consider. Students with dyslexia are a unique group of learners who have specific needs and strengths. While using research-based, structured literacy instructional approaches is the first step, dyslexia is more than a deficit or something that we need to fix.

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