Ohio Standards

Find INFOhio Resource Use Data for Your District

INFOhio retrieves monthly resource use data from our content providers. The content provider determines the specificity of the data. INFOhio is able to retrieve and provide district-level use data for the following content providers or sites:

  • BookFlix
  • Capstone Interactive eBooks
  • ChiltonLibrary
  • CultureGrams
  • INFOhio website logins
  • PebbleGo Next
  • ScienceFlix
  • World Book

INFOhio is unable to retrieve or provide district-level use data for the following content providers or resources at this time:

  • Facts on File-Infobase: Science Online, World Almanac for Kids, World Almanac for Kids Elementary, Today's Science, Learn360 Videos
  • Gale eBook Collections
  • Highlights
  • Oxford

In order to retrieve accurate use data for most resources, you or your ITC must provide accurate external IP addresses to INFOhio. Please contact support.infohio.org if you do not see your school or district in the use data for resources.

Additional Information About the Data  


  • BookFlix use data is available at the district level.
  • BookFlix Sessions: A session is defined as a logout, browser close, or five minutes of inactivity. 
  • BookFlix Documents Retrieved: Each page viewed is counted as a document. Each book, video, game, browse page, index page, curriculum correlation, educator resource, or link-out viewed is counted as a document retrieved. 

INFOhio Website Logins

  • INFOhio website logins data is available at the district level.
  • IP addresses associated with a specific school or district: Method used to gather the number of times users logged in using district username and password prior to July 2017.
  • Server login data: Method for gathering data since July 2018.

Whenever possible, INFOhio uses COUNTER-compliant data. INFOhio's goal is not to boost usage data; our goal is to connect students, parents, and educators with the reliable information they need as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

Use data are available for Ohio educators, parents, and students. You must be logged in to the INFOhio website to access the files. Learn more about logging in by watching this video


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Fetch is avaiable to INFOhio automated schools. If you are an INFOhio school, please log in with your school username/password using the button at the top-left corner of this page.

For more information about Fetch, please visit the Fetch information page or contact INFOhio support at https://support.infohio.org.